By Jan Bergemann

Published April 4, 2014


Only people not familiar with Tallahassee “customs” haven’t figured out yet that Governor Scott was behind the “killing” of our consumer-friendly HOA Reform Bill. With the help of Speaker Weatherford he effectively killed our HOA Reform Bill by preventing a House companion bill from being filed, leaving S 1348 – our HOA Reform Bill filed by Senator Alan Hays – without a House companion bill. Even attempts to get uncontroversial parts of the bill filed were plainly killed!


Make no mistake, the Tallahassee legislative system is not a Democracy as many citizens assume. It’s not like I hear over and over again from blue-eyed citizens: There are 120 State Representatives and 40 State Senators who vote on the issues at hand. That’s just not the way reality works! In reality it’s a dictatorship where only three people hold the power: Governor, House Speaker and Senate President. Everybody else has more or less to ask: “How high?” if these three people ask them to jump.


In recent years we have seen what happened to legislators who dared to buck this system: They were removed as members – or even chairs – of committees and all their bills miraculously died!


That’s how Tallahassee really works.


This year Tallahassee leadership” claims to be dealing with non-controversial bills only! That’s a joke! See community association bill H807/S798 (Moraitis/Ring). This anti-owner bill had smooth sailing through House and Senate, even more anti-consumer nonsense added in committees. But it’s obvious this year that Tallahassee doesn’t mind enacting anti-consumer bills, while killing anything that would help Joe and Jane Citizen. They think that charging you about $25 less a year for car registration will buy your vote!


The only folks opposing the HOA Reform Bill were some dictators in our community associations – also called board members – and some greedy service providers who consider homeowners’ associations their private cash cows.


These “dictators” found the support of the “dictators” in Tallahassee – namely Governor Scott and Speaker Weatherford, who quickly killed the owner-friendly bill that would have reined in some of the dictators in our HOAs. Not even fair election provisions were allowed to pass. But which dictator in his right mind likes fair elections? Scott and Weatherford knew full well that the bill, once filed in the House, would have gotten lots of support, because many State Representatives receive nearly daily complaints about abuses in HOAs from their constituents. Some are even victims themselves!


But if killing the bill without even a fair hearing wasn’t enough, Scott and Weatherford added insult to injury when many owners, very upset when hearing about the bill being blocked in the House, contacted their offices by e-mail and phone asking them to reconsider their decision to kill the HOA Reform Bill. E-mails were not even opened or read! They were plainly ignored! You may ask how I know this? Easy explanation: Many special e-mail forms contain cookies that tell the sender if the e-mail was opened and/or read! Not one of these “special” e-mails was opened or read – telling you the fate of all the other e-mails. It shows you that Scott and Weatherford are not even interested in the opinion of their constituents.


The folks calling the offices didn’t fare much better. They had to deal with staffers who came up with “stupid” – or even plainly false or truth-twisting excuses! Especially staffer Eddie Westcott from the Speaker’s office outdid himself by misleading callers with excuses that were plainly ridiculous. To more than one caller he said something to the effect: “The Speaker is the last one to blame! There are 119 representatives who could have filed the bill, only the Speaker isn’t allowed to file a bill.” Pretty disingenuous considering the fact that in reality the Speaker is the only one who can kill a bill before it is being filed. Westcott used as well some other “choice” excuses, too long to tell here. We have to give him credit for one thing: He was very inventive when it came to finding excuses to protect the Speaker who was clearly the guilty party!


Some Tea Party supporters have been defending Governor Scott’s actions of killing consumer-friendly bills. Their argument: A governor has lots of other things to take care of. That may be true, but as far as I remember we voted him into office as Governor of Florida, taking care of things here in Florida . While in office he spent lots of time fighting “Obama Care” – something we had hoped Marco Rubio and other like-minded folks would do, who we elected to represent our interests in Washington . Shouldn’t Scott rather have concentrated on issues directly relating to concerns here in Florida ?


This session showed clearly that consumers in Florida are again treated like step children of society, especially in a year when Governor Scott needs lots of campaign funds trying to buy again the Governor’s mansion. The victims of his goal: Florida ’s citizens!


Governor Scott has the power to make dictatorial decisions now – nothing we citizens can do – especially since attempts to change his mind by many constituents were plainly ignored.


But we – the voters – have the power to make our opinion known on November 4. 


So – as the saying goes: See you in November!

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Jan Bergemann Jan Bergemann is president of Cyber Citizens For Justice, Florida 's largest state-wide property owners' advocacy group. CCFJ works on legislation to help owners living in community  

associations. He moved to Florida in 1995 - hoping to retire. He moved into a HOA, where the developer cheated the homeowners and used the association dues for his own purposes. End of retirement!


CCFJ was born in the year 2000, when some owners met in Tallahassee - finding out that power is only in numbers. Bergemann was a member of Governor Jeb Bush's HOA Task force in 2003/2004.


The organization has two websites to inform interested Florida homeowners and condo owners:

News Website:

Educational Website:

We think that only owners can really represent owners, since all service providers surely have a different interest! We are trying to create owner-friendly laws, but the best laws are useless without enforcement. And enforcement is totally lacking in Florida !

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